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ASK-Utils - Utility functions for ask-sdk

Build Status

NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@ask-utils/isp Docs: https://ask-utils.github.io/isp/

Alexa ISP (In Skill Purchasing) helpers. Easy, Shot, Simpley.

Getting started

$ npm i -S @ask-utils/isp

Before ISP Utils

We have to take care of a lot of case to make a buy request.

import { getLocale } from 'ask-sdk-core'

const beforeISPUtils = {
  handle() {
    return true
  async handler(handlerInput) {
  if (!handlerInput.serviceClientFactory) throw new Error('No service client')
  const client = handlerInput.serviceClientFactory.getMonetizationServiceClient()
  const { inSkillProducts } = await client.getInSkillProducts(getLocale(handlerInput.requestEnvelope))
  if (!inSkillProducts) throw new Error('No product')
  const product = inSkillProducts.find(product => product.name === 'YOUR_PPRODUCT_NAME')
  if (!product) throw new Error('no product')
  return handlerInput.responseBuilder
        'type': 'Connections.SendRequest',
        'name': 'Buy',
        'payload': {
          'InSkillProduct': {
            'productId': product.productId
        'token': 'correlationToken'

We just call our client. Don't have to find or filter API response lists.

import { ISPProductClient, getBuyProductDirective } from '@ask-utils/isp'
const afterISPUtils = {
  handle() {
    return true
  async handler(handlerInput) {
    const client = new ISPProductClient(handlerInput)
    const product = await client.searchProduct({
      productName: 'YOUR_PPRODUCT_NAME'
    if (!product) throw new Error('no product')
    return handlerInput.responseBuilder


Load ISP data

If start a new Session, it call ISP API to get your products and set to the session attributes. The idea is from this blog post. https://developer.amazon.com/ja/blogs/alexa/post/75ee61df-8365-44bb-b28f-e708000891ad/how-to-use-interceptors-to-simplify-handler-code-and-cache-product-and-purchase-information-in-monetized-alexa-skills

import { loadISPDataInterceptor } from '@ask-utils/isp'

// add interceptor

You can get the products by the following code.

// get product from session attributes
import { getAllEntitledProducts } from '@ask-utils/isp'

const { inSkillProducts } = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes()
const entitledProducts = getAllEntitledProducts(inSkillProducts)


$ git clone git@github.com:ask-utils/isp.git
$ cd isp
$ npm i


$ npm test


$ npm run lint


$ npm run lint -- --fix


-> Release Note


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